As we enjoy our final harvest share delivery, the farmily at Tumbling Shoals Farm would like to thank you for sticking with us through drought (remember that!?), the great tomato disaster, and flood. It has been a challenging year with plenty of growing pains to add to the mix, but the farmily has handled it all with a brilliant equanimity and smiles on their faces and we owe that all to you who have stuck with us. You are the reason we get back up and dust ourselves off and get back to growing food for your tables. We appreciate you and your support of this little farm that could. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
We are busy preparing for the real expansion to start this upcoming 2025 season. We're building the infrastructure and creating, learning, and implementing new systems. We're purchasing and learning new equipment. And we've already begun to sow the first seeds of 2025. We will be using new software (Harvie is "sunsetting" their services at the end of the year) for harvest share customization in 2025, so be on the lookout for communications from Shiloh and Kelsey about that! We will try a small beta test winter share at the Wilkes County locations mid January before we are fully ready to open up registration, but we're hoping you don't forget about us in the meantime! Be sure to check out our Facebook and Istagram for progress updates as we take this farm to the next level. We're all extremely excited here and hope you will be too!
Even more than usual, we are looking forward to growing food for your table next season!
Happy Holidays!
With love,
The Tumbling Shoals Farmily