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Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
Farm Happenings for June 30, 2020
The most sublime moments happen when you’re alone. When there’s no one around to see. The moments are fleeting, filled with wonder and awe and pride and you instinctively look around for a witness. You sink the perfect shot. You see the elusive majestic creature. Or you have1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 23, 2020
We've been doing great returning boxes (or leaving boxes). Thanks! Boxes are a significant expense and their re-use really keeps costs down. Please make sure to look at both the first and last name when finding your box! If you accidentally grab the wrong box, you might be disappo1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 16, 2020
Oh North Carolina, with your meandering rivers and your ancient mountains. I’ve worried I was no longer going to be able to enjoy these things. I’ve worried I should not be enjoying these things. But Jason kindly reminded me that one can not care for others without fir1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 9, 2020
Happy June y'all! We are running wide open here at the farm and want to thank you again for your support of us and local food! We hope you are enjoying your harvest share experience. We are enjoying growing food for you!
Your Farmers,
Shiloh, Jason, Mallory, Kelsey, Andrew, Ethan, Hope, and L1 read more »