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Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
Farm Happenings for September 1, 2020
I realized the other day that I just don’t take as many pictures as I used to. It’s as if everything we do here is just no longer fascinating. As if the art of growing food has lost its luster. But then, in a torrent of jubilation, I understood that it’s not that!!!&nb1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 29, 2020
I woke up Sunday in a stupor, with no recollection of how we got here. I heard a twig crack, whipped my head around and saw that August was already here. The farmily have been heading off to vacations, we’re planting like mad for fall, and I just haven’t looked up to notice1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 25, 2020
This is the 17th week of the main season harvest share! Congratulations! You have been eating healthy organic fresh veggies for 17 weeks! This also means that it's time to decide what to do with your vacation shares. If you put your share on vacation hold and haven't resched1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 18, 2020
We’ve been living the Life of Pi. Well, not exactly, but we’ve been floating along for so long we began to hallucinate desert islands. I mean, our “normal” rainfall used to be 50 inches a year, but here we are in early August (I know! I can’t believe it eit1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 11, 2020
I read a book a long time ago about how good meditation is for you. How it strengthens positive brain synapses, helps with concentration, relieves stress, blah blah blah. So I decided to give it a try. I know, I know, aside from being an organic farmer, I am far far away from anything e1 read more »