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Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
Farm Happenings for December 1, 2021
It's winter time! You can tell how much we love you by this photo: Shiloh's giant smile, those beautiful radishes you can put into your share, and how we get up and put on a thousand layers to go out into the icy mornings.
You can place a farmstand order for pickup on Wednesday, December 3rd1 read more »
Farm Happenings (the final fall share!)
Happy Thanksgiving and final fall harvest share! AND it will be delivered on Tuesday instead of Wednesday to make sure people have plenty of time to travel, cook, etc. in advance of the Thanksgiving holiday. If you pick up from the farm, your schedule hasn't changed. ReStore cus1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 16, 2021
...And sometimes we just play ping pong in November.
Have you ever trained for a marathon? How long does it take? How long do they have to maintain the focus and motivation required to pull it off? Because it seems like my focus fades sometime in October every year. No1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 9, 2021
Just two more weeks to go after this week. We do have winter shares available in Wilkesboro and Boone, very limited. We'll be delivering the final fall share on Tuesday, Nov 23rd instead of Wednesday Nov 24th so that folks have plenty of time to travel or prepare for Thanksgiving on Wednesday1 read more »