Welcome to the last month of the main season! You have successfully completed 18 weeks of eating fresh local organic veggies! Do you feel good? If you're not already signed up for a fall share, now is the time! We don't grow as much in the fall so we actually limit our share numbers. Since the main season is going until the end of September, fall shares are only 8 weeks and go right up until the week of Thanksgiving. This season, we'll be growing all season long and will be offering a very limited amount of winter shares but I haven't gotten those into the Harvie system yet so you can't get in on that yet, but keep that in mind! More details to follow (we've already planted a lot of stuff for that season, but I have yet to tackle the technology part of it.
Waxing poetic:
We are but infinitesimal blips in the grand scheme of things. We know that in principle, but living in our own skin can diminish that perspective. We find ourselves enveloped by a strange sense of self-importance which can lead to dramatic fist shaking cries of “why me?”.
But really we’re just components of compost. Literally is still, somehow, illegal, but figuratively. Each insect, arthropod, worm, bacteria, and mushroom quietly fills its roll in the breaking down of things without regard for the big picture of returning waste to nature to be reused.
I can’t help but assume we’re the same. Just plugging along here doing our little farming thing, contributing to a whole that we don’t fully understand. We fill a little tiny niche in our community, which fills an even tinier niche in the world, which fills an even tinier niche in the universe, and so on. I don’t need to understand the whole picture to feel comfortable filling my little niche in my little community. I’m perfectly content to know I’m a part of your world and you’re a part of mine, and that we somehow fit into a larger picture.