Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Farm Happenings for May 14, 2024

Posted on May 9th, 2024 by Shiloh Avery

We're in a wee bit of a wet period at the moment.  So moody skies, rain forest-esque views, and lots and lots of mud.  This is why we plant our most rain sensitive crops underneath "umbrellas", and have grassed waterways all over the farm moving water around fields, but still there's a lot of mud, and a lot of gorgeous picture-worthy misty mountain scenes, and SO much green!  And rivers running high enough to kayak ?.  Tomatoes make their tentative debut this week (don't worry, there will be more, I just have to begin conservatively since they're still a bit of an unknown entity at first harvests), cucumbers are in a slump, and the salad mix is suddenly very very red.  We're moving through the month quickly and it won't be long before we have summer squash and potatoes, then peppers!  All this rain is good for blueberries, and we didn't get that late freeze, so it's looking like a good blueberry year (yay!) finally.  As Catawba Mushrooms expands, you'll start to see some new and interesting types of mushrooms showing up in your availability as well.  Carrots and celery are still going strong, but spinach is on it's way out.  The peas are also looking good and flowering so it shouldn't bee too terribly long until we start to see sugar snap peas!!  And speaking of things we haven't grown in a long time: the napa cabbage (a favorite of our kitchen) is heading up and we might even begin to see it arrive on the scene next week (ooooh...aaahhhh).  That's all the news from this soggy farm!  Enjoy your harvest this week!