Farm Happenings at Tumbling Shoals Farm
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Suddenly Summer: Farm Happenings for April 30, 2019

Posted on April 25th, 2019 by Shiloh Avery

Welcome to your first Tumbling Shoals Farm harvest share!  

Did today really just happen?  I had to scramble this morning to dig out my box of summer clothes, unsure of weather (get it?) or not I should actually put away the long johns.  The conversation revolved around sunscreen, swimming holes, and shandy.  And the tomatoes grew.  And the cucumbers flowered.

It has arrived, my friends.  The shifty season.  We call it spring, but it’s moodier than that.  And more secretive.  It moves through the weeks all shifty-eyed, hiding its intentions beneath its trench coat.  We, the farmers, just follow it around like police, trying to predict its next move so we can catch it in the act.  

Should we cover? Uncover? Plant? Pull our hair out?  So many possibilities. 

Speaking of possibilities: check out the details about even further customization of your farm share.  Each week, we'll be harvesting a wider and wider diversity of products (Everybody send their warm ripening thoughts to the tomatoes so we can eat tomatoes in May!)

With this sudden arrival of summer in April, we're in a planting frenzy over the next couple of weeks!