Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
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Pizza Night & Farm Tour Happening Soon + Ravioli Sale!

Posted on June 26th, 2021 by Tessa DeMaster

First Harvest: Arugula, Cucumber, Summer Squash, Beets. Lettuce and Radish return. 

We had a brief pause in planting and weeding at the end of the week to work on project like building a seeding station for the fall crops, pouring concrete, and painting a room in the pack barn. But the intense summer picking is just getting started now that the cucumbers and summer squash are ready to pick. If you want to see more behind the scenes stories and videos make sure you are reading my Friday Farm News emails. You should be getting them already because you are a member but if not... Subscribe!

Sometimes we have limited amounts of the first harvests. If you love something above and didn't get any this time, change your preferences to mark that veggie as a "5" and others as something lower. 

EXTRAS: This week we have added some new items for you to enjoy.  You really don't need to step inside a grocery store.  We can provide you with so many of your daily food needs right here.  

This week, take a look at these new organic products : Trail mixes, Juices, Chocolate Bars, Dressings, Pastas, and Tortilla Chips.  Make this the week to try something new!

We still have plenty of organic strawberry preserves in case you missed it last week - $6/ half pint of incredible homemade preserves. 

Salmon Ravioli from Wild for Salmon is 10% off - Hurry, quantities are limited!

Ordering EXTRAS from Willow Haven?  Items can be added right into your order as EXTRAS after you customize your box. You do NOT have to place a separate FARM STAND order. 

The farm tours are a great way to experience the farm, learn more about how your vegetables are grown and spend time with Farmer Reuben.  Our dairy herd and baby calves will likely be featured on this tour. Join us for the next one on July 3. Register here

Reserve your table for Pizza Night on Saturday, July 10. You'll experience "The best place to eat in the Lehigh Valley!" as farm member, Susan, said last week. It's a great way to see the farm, get inspired by local food, and meet your farmer in a relaxed atmosphere. *Info & reservations here

Let us know if you have any questions about your Farm Share CSA - we are happy to help.

We'll keep farming for you!

Farmer Reuben and Tessa

July 3 - Farm Tour at 1 pm - Register here
July 16 - Flower Tour at 6 - 8 pm - Register here
July 10 - Pizza Night 5 - 8 pm - Reserve here
August 7 - Farm Tour at 1 pm - Register here
August 7 - Flower Tour at 6 - 8 pm - Register here
August 14 - Pizza Night 5 - 8 pm - Reserve here

** Please return any waxed boxes, green cartons, freezer bricks, and reflective box liners at the time of your next delivery or pick up.

** If you have any questions about customizing your box, billing or your account, contact Harvie support. Any other questions, contact me! Read help doc How Swaps Work  and How Preferences Work help doc. 

** Be sure to check out these FAQs to help you learn to navigate your Harvie profile and see how many options you have with your Subscription.

** Earn Farm Credit for signing up friends as members of our farm. Here's how to Refer A Friend! What are Farm Credits? Read How to Receive and Redeem Farm Credit. 

**If you want ideas of how to prepare your veggies - join the Harvie Member Facebook Group. It's full of CSA Members who have lots of experience with uncommon CSA veggies. Just post a picture and ask "What do I do with these?" and you'll get a ton of comments and suggestions.