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Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
Important Information:
Return your Waxed Veggie Box each delivery.
Return cardboard egg cartons and green cardboard containers.
New Item this week: ________________________ Update your preferences after you try it.
First of the Season: ____________________ read more »
About this week's veggies & a recipe
I'm excited this week to see broccoli and zucchini which means we really have started our summer. We had a pan of Short Cut Zucchini Wedges with supper on Saturday. They were so good I had to make a second pan. See recipe below.
You are seeing a new herb this week, Leaf Fennel. Th1 read more »
Beat the Heat
Our first week of hot summer weather marks the change in seasons as far as farming is concerned. Our cool weather spring crops will start to do what plants do: send up stems, flowers and seeds. But that means that the leaves will often turn bitter and not stay in nice leafy heads for eating.1 read more »
Beneficial LadyBugs
Our Farmgirl was happy to capture this picture of a ladybug on our cabbage because she know it is a "beneficial" insect. It is an indicator of the health of our farm that we have native beneficial insects keeping the harmful insects at bay.
The wonderful insects that dine only on landscape pe1 read more »
Experimenting with Herbs
Herbs are such a wonderful addition to the nutritious vegetables in your box.
Many of our herbs keep growing all season long and we will be offering them to you as often as we can.
The main two varieties are culinary, or cooking, herbs and medicinal herbs. Of course, many of them can be used1 read more »