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Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
ALREADY? Week 18 of 20!
We are back to packing your boxes of veggies after a long weekend of camping with a group of friends. Logistics of our trip meant that we couldn’t rent the usual campgrounds so we ended up hosting one night of the trip on our farm. It was fun to share our property with friends in a recreation1 read more »
3000 lbs of sweet potatoes
Getting out to the field with the little boys to observe the farm crew was a welcome change from the afternoons spent in the hospital for the last ten days.
Farmer Reuben just told me in passing that our first two rows of sweet potatoes yielded 3000 lbs already. Ten more to go!
Eating sweet potatoe1 read more »
Carrots are Gold, Tomatoes are Green!
New veggies for you this week so I thought I'd share a few tidbits of information to help you use and appreciate your Sweet Dumplings, Green Tomatoes and Carrots.
Sweet Dumpling are a beautiful winter squash, very similar in size and flavor of the acorn squash. They will keep for a long time1 read more »
Oh, no! My tomato has a spot!
What should you do if your farm fresh vegetables have spots or imperfections?
You don’t need to throw the whole item out, save what you can. The earlier you catch it the more you can save and use. Usually the rest of the fruit or vegetable will taste great after you cut off a bad spot.
Unlike1 read more »