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Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
Sour Cherries and Beautiful Flowers!
Farmer Reuben has sour cherries for you to grab this week. Grab extras and also look for BLUEBERRIES.
Annika's flower fields are blossoming so get a preview of what the flower season will be like and brighten up your home or a special relationship.
If Summer Squash is your thing, you are1 read more »
Sour Cherries! Beautiful Flowers!
Farmer Reuben has Lots of sour cherries for you to grab this week and they will be in your fruit shares. Grab extras and also look for SWEET CHERRIES and RED RASPBERRIES!
For this first picking of cucumbers they go in your box one each to let everyone get one. If you are lucky you might get two!
An1 read more »
Basil- Three Varieties- Pick ONE or try them ALL
The farm is busy with lots of new veggies and herbs being harvested every week!
This week- Farmer Reuben says, "The basil is BEAUTIFUL!" We actually have THREE varieties for you this week to enjoy.
There is the familiar Green, Italian Basil, Purple Basil, and Ci1 read more »
Try something NEW: We have THREE kinds of Basil this week
The farm is busy with lots of new veggies and herbs being harvested every week!
This week- Farmer Reuben says, "The basil is BEAUTIFUL!" We actually have THREE varieties for you this week to enjoy.
There is the familiar Green, Italian Basil, Purple Basil, and Cinnamon Basil. You can try1 read more »
New- Stag Artisan Coffee + Yogurt Smoothies AND Mini Flower Bouquets
We hope you all are enjoying your farm fresh goodies and getting into the routine of visiting the farm or receiving your box, storing your veggies, returning your box, and so on.
As the season rolls on, you will see new veggies offered every week- this week it's the first of the summer squash along1 read more »
New- Stag Artisan Coffee + Yogurt Smoothies AND Mini Bouquets!
We hope you all are enjoying your farm fresh goodies and getting into the routine of receiving your box, storing your veggies, returning your box, and so on.
As the season rolls on, you will see new veggies offered every week- this week it's snap peas and the first of the summer squash along with a1 read more »
New- Stag Artisan Coffee + Yogurt Smoothies and Mini Bouquets!
We hope you all are enjoying your farm fresh goodies and getting into the routine of receiving your box, storing your veggies, returning your box, and so on.
As the season rolls on, you will see new veggies offered every week- this week it's snap peas and the first of the summer squash along with a1 read more »
This is WEEK ONE for some of our Market Box members!
Many of you received your first Market Box this past weekend. We hope you are enjoying your veggies and other items!
For some, this is your WEEK ONE. We have some tips and other information that we want to make sure you know about so you can get the most out your Market Box subscription exper1 read more »
This is WEEK 1 for some of our Vegetable Share Members!
While many of our members saw the first of their veggie shares on Saturday, some of you are getting your first share this weekend.
We know you will love all the farm-fresh veggies that are on their way to you.
Here are the things you need to know to get the most out of your veggie share1 read more »