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Farm Happenings at Willow Haven Farm
Wine for You & Love for Your Farmer
Wouldn’t you love a glass of wine to pair with the amazing meals you are making with your farm fresh vegetables, your sourdough bread and your artisan farm cheese?
Farmer Reuben is offering you the opportunity to try the wines he loves to make. Reuben started making wine from kits 20 years ag1 read more »
Carrots Finally!
Carrots are like gold on the farm. It is a very labor intensive crop that isn’t always successful on our farm because we don’t spray chemicals for weed control. This video shows my attempt at getting a few out of the ground to show you. But the crew will be digging them prop1 read more »
We're more than Half Way!
I'm writing on Monday morning and the crew is out picking beans, cucumbers and cabbage.
The Farmer's week started a bit rough with problem solving but thankfully he got his tractors fixed this morning. And as difficult as it is, the challenge of problem solving is one of the char1 read more »
No Farm Romance in August
We are in the Dog Days of August. The work is relentless, the days are long and hot and the vegetables have to be picked every day, by the bin, by the truckload. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have an abundance - plenty of amazing vegetables for our members. But these are1 read more »