SCARLET TURNIPS, LOCAL GINGER & PARSNIPS are new this week. They'd be great in the Shredded Salad I featured in the farm email this week. Find that email here so you can also read about how hard it is getting to get locally grown vegetables for your winter shares. That makes the turnips and parsnips even more special. Your winter share is an incredible experience in local eating.
NEW TIP: Go to your preferences to rate parsnips and ginger after you've tried them and decide whether you'd like to get them again. By default new products we add are set to 3. Read How Preferences Work help doc.
What's Back in Stock? Penne & Elbow Pastas, Millet Rolls, Blue Corn Tortillas, Summer Salsa and MORE.
What's Brand New?
- Blackberry Preserve with Lemon Thyme
- Shiitake Mushroom Soup Mix
- New Handmade Soap "Flavors" (Almond Cream, Lavender Milk, AND Honey, Milk, and Oats)
- New Room & Linen Spray Scents (Fir Needle AND Winter Mint)
Mid-winter is a perfect time to treat yourself to a little pick-me-up. Try something NEW this week!
OLD TIP to Remember: Add another item to your cart. Your market box is like your grocery budget and your pre-built box might be a little under budget. Check to see if you have "more value" left in your market box by going to customization - click on your cart - then click back to the items. If a green bar appears that says you can add items because you have left over value in your share, try adding a low cost item to your cart to see.
TIP: Pastured duck is AMAZING! This is the lowest price of the season so you can't lose. Get two ducks. Make one now to practice your recipe and then you'll be a pro when you serve the second one at your next special gathering. Ask Tessa for her perfect duck recipe.
Other specials that you won't want to miss out on:
****2 Ducks for $50**** ($10 Savings!) Put two in your cart and the price will be adjusted before your card is charged.
****SPECIAL PORK CHOP DEAL**** When you place 2 packages of our Willow Haven pork chops in your cart, you will get a spice rub for free (an $8.50 value) There are three rubs to choose from. Put the one you want in your cart and we will deduct the amount before your card is charged.
****Chocolate Bar Special- 10% off**** We have reduced the price on our Organic Chocolate bars. Two kinds to choose from: Whole Almond & Sea Salt Dark Chocolate Bar OR Extreme Dark Chocolate
Enjoy your farm food this week! Your LAST Winter Share delivery will be on Feb 16!
Sign up for a Winter Spring Market Box to get every other week farm food deliveries from March - May. Go to:
Let us know if you have any questions about your Farm Share CSA - we are happy to help.
We'll keep farming for you!
Farmer Reuben and Tessa
**REMINDER: Before returning your box for pick up - please remove your box label. This will save Farmer Reuben time this winter when he has very few staff helping him. SAVE YOUR LABEL if you are missing an item or something is unsatisfactory. Sending us a picture of your label will help us diagnose our error in the pack line and make improvements. (You can discard your labels afterward.)
**You'll want to join the MEMBER ONLY Telegram group to get updates on your winter farm share. Winter weather may affect our delivery plans at anytime so please join the group so that we can quickly update you if you need to make accommodations. Click on this link to join the Willow Haven Farm Share Members Group:
** Please return any waxed boxes, green cartons, freezer bricks, and reflective box liners at the time of your next delivery or pick up.
** If you have any questions about customizing your box, billing or your account, contact Harvie support. Any other questions, contact me! Read help doc How Swaps Work and How Preferences Work help doc.
** Be sure to check out these FAQs to help you learn to navigate your Harvie profile and see how many options you have with your Subscription.
** Earn Farm Credit for signing up friends as members of our farm. Here's how to Refer A Friend! What are Farm Credits? Read How to Receive and Redeem Farm Credit.
**If you want ideas of how to prepare your veggies - join the Harvie Member Facebook Group. It's full of CSA Members who have lots of experience with uncommon CSA veggies. Just post a picture and ask "What do I do with these?" and you'll get a ton of comments and suggestions.
**If you want to see more behind the scenes stories and videos make sure you are reading my Friday Farm News emails. You should be getting them already because you are a member but if not... Subscribe!