Hooray, we got another 2 days of rain! A total of an inch and a half! So I have high hopes for our fall crops! Other than that, nothing too exciting happening on the farm. Lots of weeding and seeding some fall greens. Melons and peppers are just starting to ripen for us, and some lettuce is growing again.
So I thought I would take this farm happening to tell you a little about myself! I grew up in Wooler and went to high school in Brighton. I always worked the summers on my parents farm when I was younger. They use to grow only button mushrooms, but then diversified to grow a wide variety of vegetables and later stopped the mushrooms. I went to University at Laurentian to be a science teacher, but then quickly began to miss the farm. I finished with my science degree and came home to work full time. It's then when I start to hang out with the neighbour boy again, who I marry 2 years down the road! Jeremy and I just celebrated our 8th year wedding anniversary last week and we've come a long way from then!
My dad passed away suddenly back in 2013, and it's then I began to take on more of the tasks running the farm with my mom. Jeremy and I took also took over his parents dairy farm in 2016, and my mom and I are now partnered with the vegetable garden. I have 3 little girls, Eva is 4, Monique 2 and Annaliese is almost 6 month! We moved most of the garden up to our dairy farm now because it was getting challenging bringing my girls down to my moms farm to work, even though she lives just 5 minutes down the road. But she doesn't mind, because she gets to work with her grandkids running around her all day !