Farm Happenings at Wooler Dale Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 27, 2020

Posted on August 25th, 2020 by Nicole Prins

We've hit our peak with tomato season, and now they will start slowing down especially with the cooler wet weather in the forecast.

Which is great weather for the fall cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower! Our first cutting of broccoli is starting this week. They are not the most beautiful broccoli I have ever harvested, due to the recent heat wave but they taste great! 

My melons are struggling right now. Which is very disappointing. They were planted later than usual, due to the hot dry weather and never really took off until August, which is late. I'm still hoping to get a harvest off of them, but this rain bring on disease for melons. 

All and all fall is looking a lot better than this summer! Fall greens are just germinated, storage potatoes look amazing, and leeks are getting a nice size! Now lets hope for a late frost, so everything can grow as long as possible!