Can you believe it's the Last CSA for Summer Season!
We have included some special treats. First Harvest carrots (these will not be super sweet yet, but still delicious), napa cabbage (please make kimchi or at least use napa instead of lettuce in your sandwiches, it's also great in tacos), and tatsoi bunches. Here's a great website for how to braise and stir-fry greens like tatsoi and bok choy:
It has been an honor to feed you vegetables and other local farm food this summer. Thank you for supporting us.
There are still Fall CSA shares available. We will also be at the Indoor Farmer’s Market every Saturday (except holidays).
Next week looks like nighttime frosts, so we’ll start mechanical harvest of our carrots at the end of next week, or beginning of the week after.
If you have any questions or comments, we are always here at