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Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
Farm Happenings July 1st: Sea of Salad
Here's Meredith in front of our double planting of lettuce starts. This year we are going to try an extra bed in our weekly planting of lettuce to see if we can have enough salad during the hot days of August. We plant 1500 sq ft of lettuce every week in order to fill salad demand, but in the middl1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 24, 2020: Hints of Summer
We are starting to harvest our favorite pole bean, Musica, this week. It's a tender Romano type, and as you can see we are going to need ladders. We also have some greenhouse tomatoes. We titled those "Farmer's Choice", which means for the time being we are going to choose which varieties go in you1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 17, 2020
Another lovely week passes on the farm. We planted our winter squash, some summer squash and are cultivating our hearts out while it is dry. The storm brought cooler weather which means relief from the excess heat and humidity of wearing our masks for 10 hours a day.
We have added a 3rd person to1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 10, 2020
We continue to have customers come to pick up sites thinking they have shares but instead leave empty handed. I also receive many emails asking when to pick up shares. Did you know that you can see when your next delivery is on your profile page when you log into your account? Here is where you can1 read more »