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Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
Farm Happenings for November 4, 2020
It’s the last share delivery for our 2020 summer season! Thank you so much for allowing us to feed you. If you have not already signed up for 2021 we will be opening up sales on Monday. If you have a Farmstand subscription, you don’t have to do anything to renew, you will continue to re1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 28, 2020
Above is a picture of our silky greenhouse chard. Greens grown in a greenhouse get very little wind compared to outside, which means their leaves have no reason to toughen up. The greenhouse chard and kale tend to be thinner leaved and more delicate. And, once they have had some frosts on them1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 21, 2020
Thursday's Crew on the Carrot Harvester!
We are hoping to pull carrots next week if the rain holds off. We've had at least three frosts, and the frost last week was a pretty good one. They are sweet now, and big, and we are ready.
Some housekeeping: Please read your email about 2021 CSA shares that1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 14, 2020
The farm is making big transitions to fall right now. We are tearing out old tomato patches, rolling up t-tape, building our carrot boxes to collect the harvest, and enjoying the sweet Hakurei turnips. We covered the peppers with giant row covers on Sunday night, and I am very glad we did because t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 7, 2020: Fall Shares Ready
Here is Katie, whom some of you may recognize from the Champaign pickup site, showing off some of our green zebra, Aunt Ruby, and green tomatoes. We are getting a frost on Sunday night, but we are picking the toms for your order right now and keeping them in the cooler. This may be the last chance1 read more »