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Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
Farm Happenings for November 3, 2021: Goodbye Summer 2021
Can you believe it's the Last CSA for Summer Season!
We have included some special treats. First Harvest carrots (these will not be super sweet yet, but still delicious), napa cabbage (please make kimchi or at least use napa instead of lettuce in your sandwiches, it's also great in tacos), and tats1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 27, 2021
We focused on getting as many beds of potatoes dug and picked as we could this week. Overall, the weather has been very wet this fall, and we took advantage of the dry week. We called in family reinforcements from Chicago. Only one of them was productive but the smaller workers kept up our spirits.1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 20, 2021
Above is a pic of Sam enjoying beet beauty. One of the farm-workers, Sophie, happens to take great photos.
We are reveling in the fall abundance, though certainly wishing for a dry-out.
You may notice lots of summer fruits available for swap/purchase. I don't have enough to inventory to add them1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 13, 2021
This has been a dramatic week for weather here. We have had rainbows and thunderstorms. Thankfully we were able to keep the gears of harvest turning.
For those of you who haven't heard, our Fall CSA Shares are open for sign up.
If you want first choice of the fresh veggies but still wan1 read more »