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Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
Farm Happenings for August 7, 2019
We are loving this cooler weather here at the farm. The plants are loving it too. We have started to see tomatoes coming from the field and are looking forward to have more tomato bounty. We hope to see our Roma tomatoes start producing enough that we can add them to our CSA list. We finished the l1 read more »
CSA Pickup 7-31-19: We've got potatoes!
So many new things this week! Here's a pic from our onion harvest a few weeks ago. Always great to see women on tractors. First off, we hope those of you who got a substitute for your yellow squash last week enjoyed it. We're sorry we overestimated that harvest; the cooling temperatures slowed the1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 24, 2019
Good morning!
It was great seeing everyone at the pick up on Wednesday. One of our employees was out so I delivered to Urbana. Watching everyone pick up their shares while rushing from work, with their kids, on their bikes, etc. made me feel grateful that you all take the time out of your lives to1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 17, 2019
We were able to get our big onion and garlic harvest done on Monday and Tuesday of this week. We have a whole greenhouse full of onions drying out for storage and a shed full of garlic which is also drying for storage. Here is a photo of our amazing garlic and harvest crew:
We are starting1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 10, 2019
Happy 4th of July!
The dog days are here. We are sweating and wiping our brows as we harvest and work in the fields. Our harvests are slowly shifting over to reflect the warmer days. In the spring, the leafy greens grow really well due to the cooler temperatures, rain, and lower pest1 read more »