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Farm Happenings at Blue Moon Farm
Farm Happenings for July 7, 2021
We started our onion and garlic harvest and we're selling them fresh, not dried. That means they won't store very long, so use them up. They are full of moisture and flavor!
We also have cabbage, beets and cucumbers galore. The farm is really pumping out produce, we're just missing peppers and pota1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 30, 2021
Here's a pic of the harvest crew grabbing some tendersweet cabbage in the rain.
It's been a wet week and it will stay so. The wet weeks are a relief because there's no possibility to get field work done, but when it's too wet we get a different set of problems.
We've got cabbage to put on the list,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 23, 2021
Cucumbers! Woo Hoo. Lots of Beets, Cabbage, and Scapes. We are starting to see some zuccini and summer squash as well. Exciting times.There will be some roasted beets with goat cheese salads, some cabbage and cilantro slaw, and some cucumber/tomato/basil salad at our house!
Enjoy the abundance, jus1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 16, 2021
I hope you enjoy a pic of my nieces picking their own toms on a recent visit!
We have so many new delicious goodies this week. Some of them are limited, so we are putting them in the swap/purchase category, because we don’t have enough YET to put them in everyone’s shares. I’m tal1 read more »