Earlier in the spring we managed to put up a third (and final) high tunnel. These are the hoop structures in which we grow many of our heat loving crops in the summer, and winter hardy crops in the fall, winter, and early spring. Extending the growing season and providing a relatively controlled environment are two big reasons why we have invested in these structures. It has become clear over the past several years that growing in the tunnels is a way for the farm to increase production and improve quality without increasing our footprint more than 100' x 30'.
So let's skip ahead to tomato season, where we are currently riding the wave of peak season harvest. The 3rd new high tunnel is officially our "tomato house" and is just starting to pump out loads of fruit. I knew volume would go up, but this is crazy! Not only are they abundant, but the tomatoes coming out of there are also visually stunning and delicious (if I do say so myself!). If you've been with the farm for even one season, you probably know how obsessed I am with tomatoes. My devotion to color, shape and texture diversity continues to guide us to a lavish mix of slicers, cherries and Romas, all of which are available to our members. What's that, you're not a tomato person? Well, never fear because in addition to tomatoes, we also have loads of peppers, eggplants, celery, cucumbers, and herbs coming out of the tunnels, so check your box contents for this week and customize as necessary! What's more is that I checked the melon patch recently, and the cantelope are getting VERY close to being ready. And soon to follow will be the watermelons. Who doesn't love a good melon??
Thanks for reading, and enjoy your share.