Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 10, 2020

Posted on June 5th, 2020 by Will Nelson

Pre-Order Option Now Available with the College Farm at Farmers on the Square!

Thank you for your interest in placing an order with the Dickinson College Farm! Our farm staff will process orders for pick up at Farmers on the Square (FOTS) each week. Please be sure to submit your order and payment by no later than noon on the Tuesday before your desired Wednesday pick up at FOTS.

As you may know, FOTS runs from 3pm to 7pm each Wednesday on the square in the center of town in Carlisle. For information on where to find the Dickinson College Farm stand at market please refer to the vendor map

Please direct any questions about your order, payment or pick up to Jenn Halpin at We look forward to processing your order!