Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm

Farm Happenings for August 2, 2024

Posted on July 29th, 2024
Hello all, It's hard to believe we are already at the end of July. The summer student crew is already over halfway done their stint here on the farm. An important part of the farm's mission is to empower and contribute to the education of the student workers. I often quip that farms offer the most1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 30, 2024

Posted on July 26th, 2024
Happy Friday all! We are capping off a very productive week here on the farm with a little potato harvest. Our short season varieties have already hit their peak and died back. Typically we leave them in the ground for a few weeks as we tend to other mattes. But in my quest to keep our soils under1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 26, 2024

Posted on July 22nd, 2024
Hello All, Our summer cucurbits are in full swing. We grow a number of different crops from the botanical family Cucurbitae. This includes summer squash, zucchini, cantaloupes, melons, and winter squash. For the time being, it's just the former three, but the others are looking very promising for l1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 23, 2024

Posted on July 19th, 2024
Happy Friday! Today, the students and apprentices are off to the Rodale Institute's Field Day. The Rodale Institute is a well regarded research entity that has been driving innovation in sustainable agriculture for decades. So, it's just us old folks here on the farm today; puttering around on trac1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 19, 2024

Posted on July 15th, 2024
Hello all, Shout out to our irrigation team. We kept water flowing just about all last week and over the weekend - no end in sight. While it is nice for a lot of crops to be able to control the water, a little rain now and again helps maintain the farmers. The big, exciting event last week was our1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 16, 2024

Posted on July 12th, 2024
Happy Friday! This has been a big week here on the farm:  Garlic harvest, hoeing, lots of planting and, flipping fields from cash to cover crop, all while racing the rain. Despite the heat and busy workload, spirits remain high on the farm. This years crew has a great work ethic and attitude.1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 12, 2024

Posted on July 8th, 2024
Happy Monday to all those who celebrate! The crew and I are pre-hydrated and ready for more hot days. Things start to get pretty busy for us in July. On the agenda for this week:  garlic harvest 2024, final cultivation of several crops (including sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, winter1 read more »

Farm Happenings for July 9, 2024

Posted on July 5th, 2024
Hello CSA Members! I hope everyone had a great 4th of July celebration! We celebrated here on the farm by working a few hours in the morning to get some plants in before the rain, trellis our tomatoes, and harvest a few items. After that, we headed down to the Boiling Springs Lake to participate in1 read more »