Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 11, 2021

Posted on June 7th, 2021 by Will Nelson

Announcement: This week starting Monday June 7th we will be be opening our u-pick strawberry patch. We will be open Monday-Friday 7:30-4:30. Please bring your own container and each customer is limited to 2 quarts per share. The strawberries are free of charge for our members. Please park in the parking lot and walk back to the patch. See photo below for directions. 

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Howdy from the Dickinson College Farm! Long time field notes reader and first time author. I’m Maddie one of the first year apprentices this season and the previous Education and Outreach Coordinator. I am so thrilled to be back outside working in the fields after what felt like an endless winter and chilly start to spring spent seeding and packing orders indoors. The past two weeks have been super fun getting back outside and into the swing of things. It’s been awesome getting to know my fellow apprentices and student farmers as we work together to harvest all the delicious veggies and plentiful strawberries for your CSA shares! We apprentices have also been spending the past two weeks adjusting to yurt life. The low temperatures were quite a challenge to endure our first week in the yurts, but you can’t beat the beautiful farm views and the very short commute to work our new living situation provides! I hope you all enjoy the food we have been working hard to grow for you this week, and I look forward to updating you all about farm happenings again in the future.  

Let me know if there is anything else you need from me for this. 