Hey All,
We are excited to see some of yall out at the farm tonight! We are getting some delicious, fresh picked food ready to go as I type this out.
We are saying good bye to another one of our student workers this week. Josh, pictured, is headed home to LA to see his family before starting classes in a few weeks. Josh is a Studio Art major and contributed his artistic eye to the farm a lot this summer. He is a natural leader, an ace weedwhacker, and one of the fastest finger weeders in the game. We are sad to see him leave the full time crew but he will be back out for part time work during the semester.
In addition to the avalanche of tomatoes, melons and cantaloupe have arrived as well! We've combed through the crops and taste tested a lot of them, but picking watermelons can be a little tricky because you can't see inside. We are pretty confident we got them right, but if your melon is white or light pink on the inside, let us know and we will get you another one.
Have a great weekend!