Farm Happenings at Dickinson College Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 16, 2024

Posted on August 12th, 2024 by Alex Smith

Hello all,

Here on the farm, we were mostly grateful for some nice rainy days last week. We tidied up our indoor spaces, got our data entry up-to-date, and processed lots of veggies for the freezer. Most of the crops were very happy for the rain; but unfortunately, some of our direct seeded crops were washed away in Friday mornings heavy rain. Kelsey and I put out straw bales to slow down some of the moving water (pictured) but we will lose some crops as a result - a handful of fall carrots, beets, lettuce, and spinach. We should still have plenty of each of those to go around though. We are glad for some sunny, mild days this week.

Good news:  melons are in full swing! The cantaloupe look kind of unusual, they caught me off guard because they didn't look ripe. But we have cut open dozens and they are all fully ripe and totally delicious. If you happen to get one that is underripe, or unsatisfactory in any other way, please just let us know, we will get you a new one. We are also picking the first of the watermelon this week. Melon season is my favorite!

Have a great week! 



Please note that not all produce in your share has been washed, including leafy greens. We recommend you wash all produce prior to eating.