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Farm Happenings at Flying Plow Farm
Farm Happenings for July 2, 2019
Happy 4th of July!
As usual, we are happy to see a hectic June in the rear view mirror. The past week has been full of all possible farm jobs: weeding, cultivating, planting, seeding, harvesting, washing, packing...but, 'tis the season! The crew has been working incredibly hard in the heat: weeding1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 24, 2019 (June 21)
June shares are full of vibrant greens, crunchy roots, and lots of delicious alliums! Alliums -- we grow onions, scallions, garlic & leeks --are some of our favorite crops to grow. Garlic is particularly gratifying as the crop spends all winter in the ground before harvest the following summer.1 read more »
Farm Happenings for week of June 17th, 2019
It is breath taking, and sometimes even eerie, how quickly the fields are growing right now. After just a few days away with the kiddos, I come back to an entirely different landscape. That means the harvest list will be growing and changing rapidly, too. We are still a few weeks away from t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for Week of June 10th
A few housekeeping things this week....
Boxes: Yes! We can reuse the boxes that your share came in. Please gently break down and return the following week to your pickup site. Clean egg carton returns are welcome, too.
Missing Items: Please make sure you read the label on your share box. First of a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for Week of June 10th
A few housekeeping things this week....
Boxes: Yes! We can reuse the boxes that your share came in. Please gently break down and return the following week to your pickup site. Clean egg carton returns are welcome, too.
Missing Items: Please make sure you read the label on your share box. First of a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for Week of June 3rd
The CSA season is off and running! The harvest list is expanding and changing by the day as the crops are coming in strong. This week we'll see beets, kohlrabi, maybe the first of the napa cabbage and basil.
In the field, the 2nd round of tomatoes went in the ground that should produce well into th1 read more »