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Farm Happenings at Flying Plow Farm
Farm Happenings for Week of September 22, 2020
We're enjoying these cool mornings on the farm and hope you're settling into the new season at home, work, and school. In addition to the winter squashes everyone seems to be happily consuming, we have a diversity of greens we're beginning to harvest-- baby spinach & collard greens plus m1 read more »
Farm Happenings for Week of September 14, 2020
Beautiful young greens are back in the mix as the temperatures slowly cool here on the farm. We're harvesting Arugula and Red Russian Kale as well as putting together a greens mix that includes Mizuna and Tatsoi. The scallions are tender and ready to harvest as the leeks continue to grow in t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 8, 2020
Check out this beautiful kohlrabi we're harvesting! Delicate radishes and bunches of kale are back this week too.You can still savor the tastes of summer with a medley of tomatoes; summer squash & zucchini with cucumber; or by adding sweet peppers to your order. We hope you enjoy this lat1 read more »