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Farm Happenings at Flying Plow Farm
Farm Happenings for March 6, 2020
We welcomed two new draft horses to the farm, Champ and Peanut Butter (aka Petey)! This duo will work both as a team and with Rocky, the blonde Haflinger who many of you have seen at the farm. It's almost time for our main team of Belgians, Toad and Lady, to retire. Champ and Petey will take over m1 read more »
Farm Happenings for February 28, 2020
You'll see 'Winter Kale' on the share list this week, and it should hang around for a couple of weeks. This kale is by the pound and it's from the field, so it's extra sweet. It has been through lots of frosts at this point in the winter, so you'll notice the leaves are a bit yellow around the edge1 read more »
Farm Happenings for February 21, 2020
It has been so warm this winter that we haven't needed to cover the crops in the high tunnels. Usually if the temperature dips below 20 degrees at night we will pull row cover over the delicate lettuces, radishes, arugula, and others. Tonight the low is projected around 15, so everyone was tucked i1 read more »
Farm Happenings for February 14, 2020
Winter Share Week 10!
It hardly seems possible that we've reached Week 10 of the winter share! This week we're prepping the seedling house for the first crops of the season. We are setting up heat mats and fans to get the space ready for starting onions, leeks, scallions, parsley...Pretty soon the1 read more »