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Farm Happenings at Flying Plow Farm
Farm Happenings for October 1, 2019
In your share this week...
SPINACH has made it to the CSA harvest list earlier than ever. Usually we don't harvest any until later in the fall, but this year we have a large early stand of beautiful spinach. The varieties you'll see in your share are baby leaf and great for salads.
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Farm Happenings for September 24, 2019
It's dry, dry, dry! We doing a daily rain dance, crossing our fingers for even a small shower or two. We're fortunate to have a good well and have been able to irrigate regularly, but we may have to supplement from our neighbor's pond soon. The dry weather means we've been working on a few big proj1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 17, 2019
This week we welcomed the newest member of the Flying Plow Farm family: Jonathan Wilder Paduano was born at home on Saturday, September 7th. Everyone is doing well and getting acclimated to a new routine as a family of five. Jonathan's sisters are especially thrilled that they have a new brother!1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 10, 2019
The crew started off the week with two big fall harvests: the butternut squash and sweet potato harvests are underway. Both crops look great and should last us well into the fall season!
We've been spending a lot of time this week moving drip tape around the farm. Drip tape is the primary form of1 read more »