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Farm Happenings at Flying Plow Farm
Farm Happenings for July 30, 2019
Every cooler space on the farm is chock full of TOMATOES! The best time to enjoy summer crops is right now, and as a Flying Plow Farm CSA member, you'll be able to experience the abundance of the season this week. As part of your share, we will be including a bonus tomato bag for each boxed share.1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 23, 2019
This July week has been packed full of high-summer farming highs & lows. The A/C in our coolers are working hard to keep the veggies cold in soaring temps, while we are working hard to keep hydrated in the field. We are feeling particularly grateful for electricity this week as it keeps meat fr1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 16, 2019
Melon harvest is underway! The first variety, 'Mini Love' is the earliest watermelon that we have this year. Mini Love melons are personal-sized & extra sweet! It depends who you ask on the farm, but they are a favorite to harvest by much of the crew. (Of course, it helps that a few melons must1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 9, 2019
With almost a week of July under our belts we are seeing many crops just on the verge of big harvests. Sugar baby watermelons are on the edge of ripening, but they're a week or two away. The first planting of green beans is flowering and starting to fruit this week; we picked a few pounds of the ve1 read more »