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Farm Happenings at Flying Plow Farm
Farm Happenings for June 30, 2020
Blueberries are in! Our crew loves heading over to Highfield Farm to pick blueberries. Add your pint to your share from the extras list.
Fresh garlic is in the CSA share this week, along with red potatoes. We're free for the 4th if you want to have us at your BBQ!
Rain would be good for the farm, b1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 23, 2020
I can't believe the solstice is here.
This means soon we'll be picking garlic from the field to cure in the greenhouses. And, following the garlic will be the onions which also cure in the tunnels before we store them.
Added to your share options this week is summer squash and zucchini. We'll be di1 read more »
Farm Happenings for Week of June 16, 2020
Lot's of new items to choose from this week. We have cilantro, dill, basil, and scallions coming ready and in the share. For cooking greens you can choose kale or chard, or both. A coleslaw of napa cabbage and kohlrabi is always an option, or this week you can pick a head of green cabbage. All the1 read more »
Farm Happenings for Week of June 8, 2020
I'm afraid to say that the strawberries my have come and gone. What a dismal year for them! They got hit hard by two frosts this spring and I think we lost a lot of fruit.
However, this week we are offering peas and broccolini in the shares. The peas will be a mix of snow and snaps, both with edibl1 read more »