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Farm Happenings at Great Country Farms
Farm Happenings for October 6, 2020
We're picking the first spaghetti squashes this week. Some of them may need to yellow-up for a couple of days on your kitchen counter. There's also a variety of squash called buttercup which has a sweet note and should be prepared the same way as acorn squash. This is the second-to-last week1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 29, 2020
Some of you will see a couple of new items this week. One is a beautiful white acorn squash. You may be tempted to decorate your table with it, but underneath that unusual skin you'll find the same delicious meat you expect from a green acorn. The other new item is organic popcorn, still on the cob1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 22, 2020
More weather challenges: on Saturday a hard frost burned our beans and tomatoes pretty badly. The beans closest to the ground survived, but the ones at the top of the plant froze. Likewise the tomatoes. Fortunately we have a lot of tomatoes at different stages of maturity in different locations, so1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 15, 2020
Our late fall CSA share goes on sale Monday evening. If you're interested in continuing CSA until the end of November, watch for that invitation. The apples in your share this week are a variety called Honeygold. They are crisp, firm, and moderately tart. Golden Delicious, Gala, and Fuji vari1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 8, 2020
This weekend's beautiful fall weather was great for apples, egg plant, apples, cherry tomatoes, apples, acorn squash, and apples. Some of that stuff will be in your boxes this week. We have decided to leave our shell beans in the field a while longer -- they apparently went through a second bloom,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 1, 2020
It's starting to feel like autumn here. We had enough apple-pickers last weekend to run wagon rides into the orchard, and on Sunday night the temperatures dipped into the sixties. The fall crop of green beans is finally ready this week -- we lost the summer crop to the June-July drought -- and we e1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 25, 2020
We're relying on summer staples this week: greens, tomatoes, potatoes, and squash. If you build your diet around those foods, your body will thank you. Our many different kinds of apples will ripen in waves over the next few weeks, so they will soon become a regular feature in shares. read more »
Farm Happenings for August 18, 2020
I hope most of you were able to come out and dig potatoes this past weekend. We'll have some additional potatoes for shares this week. The greens were great beneficiaries of last week's rains, so we'll have collards, lettuce, and kale in large supply, plus chard later in the week. The new item this1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 11, 2020
We're sending home a lot of tomatoes this week, along with some beautiful collard greens. I suggest sauteeing the collards with onion and garlic, and then eating them with pinto beans. Beets can be handled the same way -- you don't have to peel them. The plums should be allowed to ripen on your cou1 read more »