Farm Happenings at House in the Woods Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 22, 2024

Posted on August 19th, 2024 by Ilene Freedman


Select Italian eggplant and garlic in your share and make a batch of babaganouj. The recipe uses one medium eggplant. You’ll need tahini and lemon juice too. Easy to bake and blend up into a creamy dip!

As dippers: slices of carrots and cucumbers or a bok choy scooper! The white part of the bok choy makes a great edible spoon.


I'm grateful that the garden continues to give generously, despite the drought conditions. Our multiple wells and continuous watering rotation keeps the garden happy. We are starting to get some rain but it will take much more to replenish our water table. Phil is happy with how bok choy is growing even in the hot months. I’m enjoying bok choy salad with a sweet sesame dressing. Potatoes, garlic, eggplant, peppers! More summer squash. and more. Watermelon continues a bit longer, bless that sweet harvest treat.


I had a fun time digging potatoes with you! The soil condition was ideal so the potatoes came up clean. Collecting potatoes in the loose soil is a pleasant job. The kids loved the treasure hunting and the ATV rides. We’ll have some weeks of these delicious Kennebec potatoes in our CSA shares. Starting this week!


Is Back to School time hectic for you? Feel free to clear this week’s farm visit if that helps. Hold this week’s share, reschedule the next few weeks for dates later in the fall. You can do this on your profile or ask me to do it for you. Per usual, if you skip your share, you’ve done good because we donate it to the Frederick Food Bank.