Farm Happenings at Kilt Farm
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CSA Week 14 - Peak pepper and the start of cantaloupes

Posted on September 8th, 2023 by Michael Moss

View from the Tractor

Well, we are fully into September and it is still 90 degrees as I type away. I hope that next weeks forecast of cool temps really materialize. We are ready for it. After all of the heat, our peppers are really producing including some new hot peppers. Enjoy the pepper flow. Now is the time to make the green chili and freeze it in ice cube trays for use all winter long.

We have been busy harvesting and starting the curing process on all of our onions and winter squash. We will have the first of our onions available this week with more to follow. We have already harvested bins and bins of spaghetti squash, delicate, pie pumpkin, and butternut. Once we cure the skins, we will start sliding these into your shares.

What I am excited about now are the incredibly flavorful melons that are now starting to come out of the field. This week we are harvesting our Arava Melon. This is a Galia style melon initial bred in Israel. It is a fragrant green fleshed melon with a sweet tropical and floral flavor. Best to let this melon sit out on the counter until it is fragrant with a slight softness on the blossom end of the melon. Hopefully some heat will continue in the fields so we can keep harvesting the sweetest summer fruits.  

With gratitude,

The Farmers at Kilt Farm

Fruit Share

This week we will be straddling the seasons with Bartlett Pears and Cresthaven peaches.

Pears need a little time to get sweet and juicy so store them cold until you're ready to ripen them. Fastest way is put the pears in a paper bag with another ripe fruit, like a banana, for a few days. The Bartlett pear will be a lovely gold with a slightly soft neck when they are fully ripe and ready to eat. 

We will have StarFire Nectarines, Cresthaven Peaches and Bartlett Pears available in the add on section for those that do not have a fruit share. 

Thank you so much for being a member of the farm. We can't do it with out you.