![Farm Happenings at Kilt Farm](https://s3.amazonaws.com/harvie-uploads/uploads/images/farm/header_image/5c07facd77674366983056.jpg)
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Farm Happenings at Kilt Farm
Week 13: Melons and more
Hello from a clear and warm day at the farm. After such a hazy and smokey summer, it is refreshing to see a clear blue sky and unimpeded view of the divide. A day like this helps me realize how blessed we are to live in Colorado.
We have been very busy at the farm over the last week. As well1 read more »
Week 12: Alliums Galore!
Hello from a remarkably cool and beautiful farm. What a glorious day we have had after the rain came in, cleaned up the air, and cooled down the temp. While it may only last for a few days, we are enjoying it deeply. This week: losing staff, tasty onions, and an update on our melons. Read on!
Today1 read more »
Week 11: Back to school for some, August body for others.
Here we are in August and it's just beginning to feel like we have reached the peak of summer. The kids are heading back to school and the days are starting to get slightly shorter. The farmers, myself included, are starting to feel the weight of the season's work, aka the "August Body Syndrome." W1 read more »
CSA Week 10 - Half way but the best is just getting started.
Howdy from a moist summer farm. An epic little storm just blew through giving us some rain and clearing the air for a little while. It has been a blessing seeing some of the monsoon rains make their way all the way to Boulder County.
So we are well into August and this is the 10th CSA of the1 read more »