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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Week 7 -- What happened to July?
What a relief this morning! Cooler temperatures after a wonderful rain, late yesterday afternoon. What a difference the two together make! What seemed impossible yesterday, can be done today.
Here we are in week 7 of the CSA season. July has flown past -- a blur of harvesting, planting, water1 read more »
Week 6 -- July 21
Ask any market gardener and they will tell you -- July is INTENSE!
We are harvesting lots (yipppee!!), taking care of crops through pruning, trellising and yes, some weeding. And, 'tis the season for planting for autumn crops. Meanwhile, the days are hot, long and dry.
Fortunately, we have been ble1 read more »
Week 5
Well last week sure was scorching hot and dry. Thank goodness for a wee bit of rain on Friday and some cooler, cloudy days. We're hoping for a bit more rain this week, as we only had enough to wet the dust so far. Keep your fingers crossed, please.
July is the second planting season. This week on t1 read more »
Week 4 -- July heat wave
What a scorching hot week!
We have decided to work early in the morning in order to avoid the most intense heat of the day. Fortunately, there are lots of things for us to do later in the morning and early afternoon -- like washing and packing produce and starting more seeds! But we hope that the e1 read more »