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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Week 7: August!
As I'm writing this, it's the 31st of July. Tomorrow we are into August! August 1st marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox...are you noticing the shorter days? There is a shift in the garden. The pace is almost slowing -- we still have crops to seed and plant thr1 read more »
Week 6: Hot and sunny
Time for summer coleslaw! We've got cabbage and it's looking great. The first few summer squash may also be making an appearance in shares shortly. And, while the heat and sun forecast for this week may not be so fun for us to be planting (and for the little transplants), the tomatoes and peppers a1 read more »
Week 5 -- Peas and cauliflower
Two inches of rain! That's how much we got last week. Wow. How lovely and the gardening is flourishing!
We have heaps of snap and snow peas, plus cauliflower! Get'em while you can!
And we are planting more for fall. Round two of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower planting happens this week. Along with1 read more »
Week 4: Time to plant!
Are you finding that you are getting too much of one type of vegetable? Did you know that, besides swapping items, you can update your preferences? Yes! You can. Loved lettuce early, but would like a little less now, just adjust your preferences.
This week we have lots of cauliflower, broccoli, cab1 read more »
Week 3: not a drop of rain this time
Finding it challenging to keep your leafy greens crisp, rather than wilted? Be sure to pop them in a closed container before putting them into the fridge. A ziplock bag (or something similar) works well and you can reuse it. Another option is to get a food storage box -- I've seen them in pastic (p1 read more »