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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Week 7 -- Lughnasadh
It's almost August! Yikes and Yipeee!
Yikes because summer is flying past so fast! Yippee because August means cooler nights and shorter days and that makes growing veg a lot easier.
August 1 marks the halfway point between summer solstice (June 21) and autumn equinox (September 21). It has been ce1 read more »
Week 6
We are very close to tomatoes!
The first cherry tomatoes are ripening on the vines. With the warm and sunny weather we are having and forecast to have, I think we may have the first few pints available this Friday and more next week!
The cucumbers are also looking good and the summer squash are big1 read more »
Week 5 -- Summer
Beets will be making their first appearance in the shares this week!
The cucumbers are thriving, as are the tomatoes and the summer squash. These along with beans, will hopefully be in your shares soon.
The middle weeks of July are when everything is happening -- starting seeds, planting and seedin1 read more »
Week 4 -- July 4th
The cauliflower is beautiful!
Let's hope the deer doesn't find the second bed. It did discover the first bed and clearly enjoyed it. Fortunately, we don't plant all of a particular crop together -- we mix it up! So the next bed of cauliflower is several beds away, with potatoes and other crops in b1 read more »