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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Week 12 -- welcome September!
After a very hot and sticky last week of August, the cooler forecast for this week looks pretty wonderful to me. Especially after some rains over the weekend, which help the radishes, arugula and cover crops we seeded really get growing!
September is a quieter time in the garden. The urgency of pla1 read more »
Week 11 -- Last planting!
It's that point in August when the days are getting noticeably shorter, and fast! Day length is a limiting factor for plant growth -- if the days are too short (about less than 10 hours), the plants don't grow anymore, even if they do like the cooler and wetter weather of autumn. So now is the time1 read more »
Week 10 --Halfway through the season!
Okay -- last week was HOT.
But the cooler nights now are making for a glorious August week. I really enjoy this time of the year. We are nearing the end of planting and seeding. And that makes for a far more relaxed tempo. While the harvest deadlines continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the pl1 read more »
Week 9 -- hot, humid and lots to do!
There comes a time in the summer, when I wish I had blinders on in the garden. So that I wouldn't be able to see it all -- all the beds that need to be cleared and planted, the pruning that needs to happening, the weeding, ....
On the bright side, the crops are growing wildly! And this week, we hav1 read more »
Week 8
Welcome August!
After a wet July, this first week of August is looking great -- sunny and warm! There are several crops that are really going to appreciate that, especially the tomatoes and cucumbers! The tomatoes are a bit late this year, after the late spring frost killed the crop and we were for1 read more »