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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
November 1
The temperatures are swinging up and down, but lots of veg continue to be delicious!
We will be doing a delivery to Owen Sound, Balmy Beach, Big Bay, and Wiarton on Friday, November 1.
There is lots to choose from, including a couple of bulk items and eggs!
p.s. The sandhill cranes are in the neigh1 read more »
October 29
The temperatures are swinging up and down, but lots of veg continue to be delicious!
We will be doing a delivery to Sauble Beach, Southampton and Port Elgin on Wednesday. Please have your orders in by Tuesday morning, so that we can get your veggie harvested and packed! There is lots to choose from1 read more »
Week of October 21
We are taking a deep breath after the last delivery of the CSA season. Whew!
This week, we'll have veg and eggs for you on Friday at the farm.
There is still a great selection available, including bulk items to stock up for winter. Check it out! read more »
Week 18 -- Last regular delivery of the season
I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!
We enjoyed a leisurely afternoon with family, with a walk and lots of veggies. The last weeks have been very packed, so it was extra lovely to have time for a walk with family.
This is our last regular delivery of the CSA season! We still have lots of veg, so be1 read more »
We've had a very light frost in the garden and are expecting more this week -- so we harvested the peppers. We have A LOT OF green peppers.
So we'll have a special: 1/2 bushel of green peppers for $17.50.
And here are some great ideas for what to do with them: 27 ideas for green peppers and th1 read more »