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Farm Happenings at Persephone Market Garden
Mid November -- snow and quiet
Colder, snowy days usher in a quieter time of year here on the farm.
The crops are all harvested from the field. Now the sheep will have their turn to enjoy the rest of the leafy greens!
Fortunately, we brought in many bushels of produce first! We have a great variety of items in the Farm Stand thi1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 12, 2021
My apologies for technical challenges last week with the farm stand! I had set the minimum order to $25 and so folks weren't able to complete their order. This week, the minimum is set to $15. Though with the great selection of veg available, you'll have a hard time keeping orders that small! :)
As1 read more »
November arrives
November 1st is halfway between the autumn equinox (September 21) and the winter solstice (December 21). So we are now entering the darkest time of the year. I hope you had sunny summer days and are therefore in the mood for some quieter (?) days.
It's a great time for hot tea and hot soups. The ga1 read more »