Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
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Week 3 -- Full Season Farmshare -- River Run Farm

Posted on July 18th, 2024 by Anna Bunk

Summer is rockin' now! 

We've been soaking up the sun, as have the crops and we are very excited to be getting nearer the end of transplant season, at which point we will be able to focus more crew hours on weeding and harvest. And harvest!!

This week I'd like to kick our our "Crew Profiles Series" with our youngest crew member Baby Alder! He turned 1 year old today, and he's officially the least productive crew member. But also the most adorable. :)

Here's a little ditty in his honor, with the nickname we like to use for him "Little Guy".  

"We love you Little Guy, Oh yes we do, We love you Little Guy, and We'll be True, When you're not with us, We're Blue, Oh Little Guy We Love You!".

A quick note about the carrots, those of you who've received them in your share during Week 2. We had a crop failure on the first succession of carrots this year and we apologize, but had to substitute purchased organic (from WA) carrots to fulfill your orders. 

And that's it! Off to customization, y'all!

Nicholas, Alder and the River Run Crew