Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
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Week 4 -- Full Season Farmshare -- River Run Farm

Posted on July 25th, 2024 by Anna Bunk

Hello Farmshare Members!!

It's week 4 coming up already and we're happy to be rollin' into more summer crops! 

Continuing with our Crew Profiles Series, I'd love to introduce you to... Nikki!

Shown on the tractor in the photo above, she was with us over the winter, when we work in puffies. In fact, she began with us the previous winter (2022-2023).

There's a lot I could say about her (our vibe is strong!) but I'll let her speak for herself. Here are her answers to the Crew Questionairre I put out:

1. Name: "Nikki" (laughing).
2. What was your first impression of Sequim?  "Desert".
4. What drew you to farming? "Money".
5. Favorite vegetable crop at River Run? "Cabbage".
6. Do you have a super power? What is it? "Yes".  (When pressed, she does have one but it's apparently a secret).
7. Please share a life lesson learned. "Still learning!".

Thank you Nikki, for your very detailed one-word answers, lol! If you know Nikki, you'd know.

Ok, back to the task at hand. Vegetables are at stake. Customize, y'all! ;)

