Farm Happenings at River Run Farm
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Week 16 - Full Season Farmshare -- River Run Farm

Posted on October 17th, 2024 by Anna Bunk

Week 16, Folks!

We are getting our first more substantial rains of the winter (yes I said winter, as once the rains start the limitations it imposes on us for field management and with the day length as it is, let's just call it that).

We are grateful! The rain is recharging our soils and when the perennials are happy, we are happy!

This week I've got a Crew Profile Edition (TM!) with our beloved Farmshare Van Driver Maddie! She's been such a great addition to the farm family this year and has been a superstar for us over on the Seattle side of things; delivering the CSA boxes and also working our Madrona and Shoreline Farmer's Markets!

Here's what she had to say: 

1. Name? "Madeline Privott".
2. Qualities of your best friend. "Creative, insightful, funny, persevering."
3. Where are you from? How did that place shape you?  "Bethany, OK - the small town nature of where I grew up conditioned me towards a warm and friendly demeanor and a slow moving pace".
4. What was your first impression of Sequim?  "Beautiful and spacious".
5. What drew you to farming? "To be a part of something essential".
6. Favorite vegetable crop at River Run? "Kale and turnips."
7. Favorite number? And why? "I have no special affinity for any numbers".
8. Do you have a super power? What is it? "I’m really good at skipping rocks".
9. Please share a life lesson learned. "You don’t need permission to be creative". 

Thanks Maddie!! We love you!! 

That's it for now, everyone! Customize and, eat, chill and enjoy~!

Nicholas and the River Run Team