Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
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Farming is Not a Solo Sport

Posted on June 29th, 2020 by Noah Sanders

We are so blessed to be able to farm together as a family, but we are also blessed to be surrounded by extended family and friends. Farming is a very social craft and flourishes best when done in the context of a community. During this time of adjustment surrounding the birth of our new twin boys it has been amazing to see how many people have stepped in to help out, whether they are watching our other kids, bringing us meals, washing dishes, harvesting green beans, feeding chickens, or delivering farm boxes. This used to be the normal experience for many people, but in this current time the suicide epidemic among commercial farmers can be linked to the disappearance of their support community. Thank you for being part of our support community and may we all inspire others to stand together and support their family and neighbors in these troubling times.