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Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
Baby Chicks on the Farm!
The past two weeks we have received several shipments of baby chicks in the mail! Chicks absorb enough nutrients when they hatch that they can go several days very happily without food or water, which allows them to ship to us with no problem. First we received 200 broiler chickens. They spend the1 read more »
Free Organic Gardening Class Saturday, October 24!
Do you want to know more about how we grow the veggies that you eat and how you can grow some of your own? We are offering a free basic gardening class on our farm in Goodwater, Alabama next Saturday, October 24th, from 2:00-5:00 PM. We will talk about basic garden preparation, how to create living1 read more »
Building soil on Alabama Red Clay!
As I was out planting and working in some of our gardens today I dug down 3 or 4 inches and uncovered the red clay that we initially started with in our gardens. It is amazing how much soil has built up on the surface over the years with regular applications of compost and mulch. Now, instead of be1 read more »
Organic Grits and Sirloin Steaks Now Available for Purchase!
The gardens are coming along nicely and we are getting geared up for the season change. We also just ordered some New Hampshire Red pullets that we plan to raise over the winter for a new egg flock that should start laying in March! This week we are waiting for a new flock to start laying so there1 read more »