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Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
Welcome Micah! Our new farm worker. Refer a friend and help us grow!
As we have been trying to improve our farm production and diversity of offerings this year we have invested a lot in infrastructure. Irrigation, a new walk-in-cooler, two new tunnels for winter production (they are due to be delivered tomorrow!), and a great washing station. But the one thing I hav1 read more »
All Natural Bug Control!
Bugs can definitely be an issue in the vegetable garden. One of the insects we struggle with is horn worms on tomato plants. Moths come and lay their eggs on the leaves of the tomato plant and their voracious young decimate the greenery of the tomato plant. But God's creation is about balance and t1 read more »
Looking Forward to Cooler Weather!
Right now it is hot, but we are working hard to get our cool weather crops in the ground. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, collards and more! If we can protect them from the bugs and heat fall crops in Alabama are awesome! And many of them overwinter and become some of the sweetest greens a1 read more »