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Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
Baby Chicks on the Farm!
We will be making a delivery this week on Thursday, July 29th. You will have until 11:59 PM Tuesday night to edit or skip (hold) your delivery.
Last year we started a flock of New Hampshire Red hens that are currently laying the eggs you enjoy each week. We feed them an Alabama-made, non-GMO1 read more »
Farming in Community
We will be having a delivery this week, Thursday, July 22nd. You will have until Tuesday, the 20th, to edit or hold your order. Please remember to put a cooler out where we can place your products on Thursday.
Farming is such a fun thing to do, but is also very challenging. Doing work with ot1 read more »
The Beauty of Diversity
We hope you are doing well! This week we are delivering on Thursday. You can edit your bag's contents or skip your delivery until the cutoff time at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, the 13th.
One of the fun things about market gardening is being able to grow many different varieties of vegetables. In the1 read more »
Year Round Crops
I hope you are all doing well! We are making a delivery this Thursday, July 8th. You will have until tomorrow night at 11:59 pm to customize your order or skip this week. This week we have a nice crop of summer kale. It is quite challenging and fun to try to grow different crops year round. And the1 read more »